Clifford H. bHume/b said. am May 17 2009 @ 6:31 pm. I think this deaf person needs an automated site and someone that can write how to best use it. I can't understand any webinar or discs, nor any other kinds of talking machines. b...../b to view the bvacations/b available. I am giving away the BEST bVACATIONS/b from my business, just like you, Frank and Eben, gave your best information to all the listeners of your AWESOME tele-seminar! ...
Another Utah Bank Fails Anyone hoping to reach MagnetBank in Cottonwood Heights this morning is out of luck. The doors are closed, and a letter from the FDIC is taped to the glass at an office at 2825 E. Cottonwood Parkway, Suite 180. b.../b
I saw him in Vietnam 35 years ago when he was a cub at a bhotel/b bar in what was then called Saigon, where all the reporters exchanged war stories. I was Int'l Editor of a daily newspaper in DC for a few years & know that clubby leftish b..../b I'm not a liberal, but Brit bHume/b sometimes sits with Juan Williams et al on Fox News Sunday and offers opinion. It's always conservative. No one can argue that he's objective--any more than they can argue that George Stephanopoulos is. b.../b